пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.


This feature has the ability to ensure that front-end and mirror paths are physically isolated to improve fault tolerance. See Establishing Server Groups. Disk pools are where physical storage devices—from JBOD enclosures to intelligent storage arrays—are centrally pooled and managed. This feature is particularly useful in clustered environments or when mirrored virtual disks exist in different site locations and inter-site communication fails. The console is capable of providing an advanced view of information. This separate software package is installed on a machine with Internet access and the server host name or address is configured for the server group. Hosts are enabled for multipathing by default and when mirrored virtual disks are served to the host, redundant paths are automatically created between the host and both DataCore Servers if possible. datacore sansymphony

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A task is a sansymphohy of actions that are performed when one or more triggers occur. See Quality of Service. Pools with faster devices can be used for higher priority storage resources. The advanced mirror capabilities of the Dynamic Data Resiliency feature can self-heal the 3-copy virtual disk manually or automatically without intervention and reduce recovery time by maintaining data redundancy in order to avoid full recoveries.

Introduction to SANsymphony™ Software-defined Storage Platform

The VASA Provider allows administrators to configure SANsymphony virtual disks as storage containers for virtual machines, and monitor topology devices, paths, adaptersstorage capabilities, and health of physical storage used by virtual machines—all from the VMware vSphere Web Client. Limiting the roles that a port supports can regulate the paths and avoid automatic selection of an undesirable port.

Access control allows administrators to fine-tune control and distribute management responsibilities among registered users based on the assignment of roles and virtual disk ownership. Administrators can easily manage multiple server groups from the same console.

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Monitors provide basic health information about resources managed by SANsymphony software. Servers in the same group will exchange configuration information and the same operations can be performed from all servers. For more information, see Recorded Performance. See Virtual Disk Templates.

Pass-through disks can be any physical disk that has not been added to a pool, and is simply used as a storage source when virtual disks are created.

For more information, see Port Connections and Paths. The default behavior is to migrate data based on the frequency of read operation only.

For more information, see VMware vCenter Integration. Common maintenance tasks can be performed during normal business hours and with minimum administrator intervention and no downtime. The integrated set of centrally-managed data protection CDPprovisioning, caching, replication, and migration functions operates uniformly over sansjmphony models and brands, assimilating current and future equipment non-disruptively.

See Serving Virtual Disks.

DataCore - Wikipedia

Virtual disks are created from two types of storage sources: See Establishing Server Groups. The report tool collects information and data from sansymphohy system and presents it in a user friendly format.

Virtual disks can be created in logical sizes up to a maximum of 1 petabyte PBalthough the amount of space allocated from the pool will reflect the amount of physical space that has actually been used by the host. Alerts can also be user-generated in tasks.

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Multiple connections made from the same console can be easily managed and recalled by saving sansymphlny information. This feature moves virtual disk storage sources in a pool from one server to another while maintaining virtual disk high availability. Configuration changes also produce log messages including the user who performed them as an audit trail.

Introduction to SANsymphony™ Software-defined Storage Platform

For large configuration usability, columns in lists can be manipulated and customized, and a search feature filters out items that do not match the criteria and highlights sahsymphony matching criteria strings. The Write-aware auto-tiering setting in a storage profile can be used to also daatacore data based on the frequency of write operations. The VMware vCenter Integration feature effectively manages and monitors all virtual machines and storage resources from the DataCore Management Console.

The Mirror Recovery Setting is a global server group setting that controls the overall mirror sansjmphony traffic for all servers in a server group. Click to review system requirements. See System Managed Mirroring.

See Configuring Server Groups for Replication. VMware vCenter Integration automates the process of discovering and adding Datwcore vCenters as hosts to the local server group. For more information, see Integration with Windows Performance Monitor. Any number of disk pools can be created, so storage devices with similar speeds can be grouped.

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