суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


A distilled look at how to put storytelling into action in your own voice. StoryViz a movement about creating authentic and compelling communication. The stories that emerged from the adventure are equally amazing. If you are looking for core content and activities to incorporate into your own curriculum. Alligator clip the Internet to your world and start inventing the future. Help us save your pencil, time, and your peace of mind! storyviz

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StoryViz content » Rapid Visualization

The beginning chapter of a story told through items sent to readers, left in public spaces, buried, hidden, and sometimes lost. And, who are you guys? Guest lectures and online video talks that dig into foundations of all these topics. StoryViz a movement about creating authentic and compelling communication.

Our mission is to teach professional illustration to aspiring artists and help them make a living doing what they love. Great aural storytelling airing on a great station: Begin What is StoryViz? A sculpture design that seems to storyvviz a jumble of fragments, but when viewed from two specific locations reveals hidden words.


Teachers in particular might find these useful. The course is a principle-based experience: Imagine a movie that includes every day of the rest of your life…. The stories that emerged from the adventure are equally amazing.

StoryViz content » Storytelling

Super-quick sketching activities design to express thoughts visually. It's a fun product coming from a couple of Mechanical Engineering students at Stanford. Alligator clip the Internet to your world and start inventing the future. What content will be covered? Also, an awesome project.

This book is about how design brings people together. Magnificent example of "show don't tell" storytelling. Help us save your pencil, time, and your peace of mind!

We love that film is one route the SparkTruck folks are taking. Storyvia StoryViz website is a prototype to experiment with ways of sharing content and activities from the StoryViz course with a wider audience.

Story Design Principles

Lovely storytelling on multiple levels——great use of details to build tension! Scott Doorley and Scott Witthoft Content curation: A shortcut to filmschool. Increase your creative capacity with this fold-to-play activity set by Paper Punk, where construction meets craft at your fingertips.

Teaching team and content development: It also is a 10 week class at the Stanford d. Email us at storyviz gmail. Project from Ben Henretig, a StoryViz guest and founder of microdocumentaries.


Ways to connect with an audience. ReadySet is a solar charger that can power up to 10 iPhones or stodyviz an iPad for 12 hours of continuous video-play on a single charge.


Scott Doorley and Scott Witthoft. Fun for the whole family! The soft plastic clip that slides onto your glasses and holds a pen or pencil. Now we've developed a kit so you can build your own!

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